
Saturday 23 December 2023

Install Lets Encrypt SSL in Windows Server Plesk


Let's Encrypt is the world's biggest free SSL provider. Normally a certificate is provided for 3 months. So you have to re-install the certificate manually, if you are not using any auto-generated SSL generator client program like ACME Client. Many Hosting providers integrate auto SSL generator programs, Some are not like Godaddy.

Monday 11 December 2023

Insert record in a table with only an IDENTITY column? SQL Server

 I was making an image gallery with images only. So I have created a table with a single column named ID with identity. I want to create a row with the auto number and create an image with a created auto.  number.

The problem is How to insert a table with only an IDENTITY column. 

This problem is solved by the query given below.


Next Example

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Restaurant Table Booking Project Synopsis


Restaurant Table Booking Management Project Synopsis

Restaurant Table Booking Project Synopsis is a complete synopsis, which will help you to cover all business logic.  Restaurant Table Booking Project is a system that helps businesses track, manage, and optimize their Table booking. This synopsis is prepared for the core PHP. You can change some minor headings and this synopsis will work for your desired platform project. Live projects have been already made through this synopsis.  This synopsis covers all the standards for the synopsis for Computer Science Course. This can be used by BCA, MCA, BSc, O-Level, A-Level, IGNOU students.

Introduction of Project

This project  plays a crucial role in a Restaurant Table Booking. A Restaurant Table Booking is a software application that allows users to book table or spaces online. It enables users to view available rooms, reserve rooms, and make payments securely online.

  • Availability: The software enables users to view the availability of rooms in real-time. This makes it easy for users to find and book rooms quickly.
  • Reservations: The software allows users to make reservations easily. It keeps track of all reservations and ensures that there are no double bookings.
  • Payment processing: The software enables users to make payments securely online. This ensures that payments are processed quickly and accurately.
  • Management: The software helps managers to manage the Restaurant Table Booking effectively. It provides them with real-time information on room availability, reservations, and payments.
  • Reporting: The software generates reports that provide insights into room occupancy, revenue, and other key performance indicators. This helps managers make informed decisions.

Key Features

  • Dynamic website
  • Staff Attendance Entry
  • Auto Entry and Auto Reporting
  • Staff Working Performance
  • Fraud Detection
  • SMS/Email notification
  • Work Chart Printing
  • Customer chat service
  • Reporting
  • Separate login panel for both user and web admin
  • Detail Reporting of daily ,monthly basis
  • PAyout Reporting
  • Backup and restore management.

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Success Pending order chart


Sales Chart

Welcome, This post will help you to make a chart for Success Pending order count datewise. This Sales chart shows the business summary of a month date-wise in just a glimpse. It takes a few seconds the get an idea of the whole month's business, It is a better choice to written  business summary. 

Developer Information

Language        : C#
Framework     : MVC ASP.Net 
Database         : SQL Server
Inline              : HTML,CSS,Java script
Chart               : Google Chart
Application     : Show Success-Pending order datewise for a current month

Database Table

 Let's get Start

At the beginning I thought it was a simple task but when I dived into dept, I found it a complicated task because success and pedning order is detected by the status field from the database. 1 indicates success, 0 indicates pending. The main problem was counting separately success,pending on the same date

Google Chart

I have used google chart for render chart. Chart data is three column format given below. First parameter is date,second , third for show chart lines for show pending or success order .

 [1, 0, 0],
 [2, 2, 0],
 [3, 0, 3],
 [4, 18, 10]


As you see in the above chart data format, it is divided into three parts. The main challenge is to get pending and success counts datewise. I will show you the query step by step because to explanation of the entire query will be difficult to understand. Each sub-query will render output for the next query.

1. Get the pending and success order list of the current month datewise. Pending-Success valie save in status filed. 1 for success and 0 for pending.

with str1 as

select day(orderdate) as day,case when status=then  sum(status) end as success,case when status=0 then count(status) end as pending   from [Order]

group  by (OrderDate),status having  month(OrderDate)=month(getdate())

 select * from str1

I have saved query in   CTE to output in str1 variable, which will be used output for next query.

Now we have the list of success and pending order list datewise. We have to combine this in a single row for datewise.

2. Now it is time to sum the pending and success order datewise by combining the above query output to other CTE variable str2

 with str1 as


select day(orderdate) as day,case when status=then  sum(status) end as success,case when status=0 then count(status) end as pending   from [Order]
group  by (OrderDate),status
having  month(OrderDate)=month(getdate())
 str2 as

   select day,sum(success) as success,count(pending) as pending from str1 group by day,success,pending
) select * from str2


3. We got a list of success-pending order sum in above list. Now, it's time to remove NULL column and merge row into a single row by the query given below.

with str1 as
select day(orderdate) as day,case when status=then  sum(status) end as success,case when status=0 then count(status) end as pending   from [Order]

group  by (OrderDate),status
 having  month(OrderDate)=month(getdate())
 str2 as
   select day,sum(success) as success,count(pending) as pending from str1 group by day,success,pending

 select day,max(success) s,max(pending) as p from (
  select day,isnull(success,'') as success,isnull(pending,'') as pending from str2 group by day,success,pending) tbl
  group by day

Next Topic

Friday 22 September 2023

Cart Management | C# ASP.Net MVC


Cart Management | C# ASP.Net MVC

cart management is the most important part of the E-commerce website design. There are many ways to achieve it but Session is one of the simplest method. This post help you to learn, How to implement a shopping cart using  Session  in C# ASP.Net MVC Pattern from scratch. 

Sunday 27 August 2023

Payroll Management Synopsis


Payroll  Management Synopsis

The Payroll    Management website is a complete synopsis, which will help you to cover all business logic.  Payroll   Management software is a system that helps businesses track, manage, and optimize their Employee Payment. This synopsis is prepared for the core PHP. You can change some minor headings and this synopsis will work for your desired platform project. Live projects have been already made through by this synopsis.  This synopsis covers all the standards for the synopsis for Computer Science Course. So this can be used by BCA, MCA, Bsc, O-Level, A-Level, IGNOU students.

Monday 21 August 2023

CaptchaMvc Mvc5 | C# ASP.Net

 CaptchaMvc Mvc5 Using C# ASP.Net Visual Studio 2019

CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". It is a test used to distinguish between humans and computers. CAPTCHAs are often used to prevent automated spam and abuse.

Saturday 12 August 2023

Raw Material Management Synopsis


Raw Material  Management Synopsis

Raw Material  Management Synopsis

Raw Material  Management website is a complete synopsis, which will help you to cover all business logic.  Raw Material Management software is a system that helps businesses track, manage, and optimize their raw material inventory. This synopsis is prepared for the core PHP. You can change some minor headings and this synopsis will work for your desire platform project. Live projects have been already made through this synopsis.  This synopsis covers all the standards for the synopsis. So this can be used by BCA, MCA, Bsc, O-Level, A-Level, IGNOU students.

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Select Child element and add css using Jquery

 Jquery  has a powerful DOM selection feature. You can select all child elements from a div or any other container and add CSS to those child elements.

Select all images from a div and change CSS using jquery

In the above UI , When a user clicks on an image A border is applied with padding. But when while click on another image border is applied but it needs to clear the previously selected image border. So the code given below help you to achieve this.
Border of all images inside of div id=''imgcon" will be removed by jquery and add a border on the selected image

<div id="imgcon">
    <img src="/Upload/notesimg/1014.jpg" id="img1014" onclick="ChangeCSS('img1014')" >
    <img src="/Upload/notesimg/1014.jpg" id="img1015" onclick="ChangeCSS('img1015')">
    <img src="/Upload/notesimg/1014.jpg" id="img1016" onclick="ChangeCSS('img1016')">
    function ChangeCSS(id) {    

        $("#imgcon img").css("border", "none");
        $('#img' + id).css({ "border": "solid 2px red", "padding": "2px" });
