
Force to Refresh Javascript and CSS files on page load

 To force Javascript and CSS files on every time while page load is good practice when working on live operation because when you made any change in CSS and Javascript files then updated content reflects when cntl + f5 pressed otherwise system get file from cash to save to reload time. Given code below help you to force reload file on every page load in C# ASP.Net MVC.

    Random ob = new Random();
    int ran = ob.Next();

<script src="~/AppJs/product.js?v=@ran"></script>
<link href="~/AppCss/gcss.css?v=@ran" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Wednesday 23 February 2022

School Management Synopsis Download Free

 School Management Synopsis Download Free PDF and Word Version 


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Thursday 10 February 2022

Begin CodeIgniter 4.1.8

Whoops! We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later

Solution : 

Your PHP is missing intl extension. It is useful for formatting currency, number and date/time as well as UCA-conformant collations, for message formatting and normalizing text..etc.

Follow the steps to install it in XAMPP -

  • Open [xampp_folder_path]/php/php.ini to edit.
  • Search for ;extension=intl and remove the ;.
  • Save the php.ini file and restart Apache.